
Showing posts from January, 2023

What is Speech Therapy? How will it help your child in improving speech development?

S peech therapy is the assessment and treatment of communication problems and speech and communication disorders and it is performed by speech-language therapists. Speech therapy is a technique used to improve communication and speech of children. Speech therapy may be needed for speech disorders that develop in childhood or speech impairments caused by an injury or illness, such as stroke or brain injury. Image source: Google What is Speech Therapy?  Speech therapy is a therapy service that focuses on improving a child's speech and abilities to understand and express language. Speech therapists , or speech pathologists are the professionals who provide these services.  Speech therapy includes two components: Coordinating the mouth to produce sounds to form words and sentences. Understanding and expressing language In addition, the role of speech therapist to address articulation, fluency, and voice volume. Speech therapy can help children who have difficulty in speaking and commu

What is the Best Treatment for Autism?

T here are many treatments for autism that can have a significant positive impact on children on the autism spectrum. For most parents, choosing the best therapies with final decisions depends on a variety of factors such as availability, location, cost, abilities, and challenges on the autism spectrum. Source: Google Image In general, kids with autism are best served by therapies that: Start treatment as early as possible. Are provided intensively. Are based on research. Have clear goals and milestones. Are provided by a qualified and experienced therapist who connects well with the child (and with the parents or guardians) Positively engage a child (the child should enjoy therapy) Address the core symptoms of autism, like social skills, emotional regulation, communication challenges, physical challenges, play skills, sensory dysfunction, attentional issues, mood issues, or focus. There are numerous options available and many therapies that can provide treatment well for any given